Meditative prayer and worship
Celtic Prayer
Our Celtic/Meditative Services are informal gatherings with an emphasis on silence, light, and prayer. They are normally held on the evening of the fourth Sunday of each month.
In addition, meditative services are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. See the latest parish bulletin for dates.
The Contemplative Prayer Group
It is undeniable that for most people life gets ever busier and more hectic. Add to that the constant barrage of sound that we have around us it can begin to seem as if there is nowhere to go for peace and for time to be quietly with God. The Contemplative Prayer Group was started several years ago to try and redress that in a small way. Once a month a group of us meet in the church to simply spend time being with God in silence and calm, reaching down into ourselves wordlessly to find the living water that Jesus promised us. All are welcome and the dates and times of each session can be found on the website, in the Parish Magazine or in the weekly pew leaflet. For more formation contact the Revd Sarah Partridge.